It\'s saturday night 2099 and I\'m Bald!

looks like we don’t even have the “within 5 years” quote to grasp onto anymore. this is Bull. alec

» looks like we don’t even have the “within 5 years” quote to grasp onto
» anymore. this is Bull. alec

Yes Alec … the dream is over. It’s better like this. At least we know that there’s no magic timeline that we have to hold on to.

Unless Follica/acell suprises everyone with a miracle cure in the next two three years, we can safely assume that HM may never hit the market.

…Damn it!

» looks like we don’t even have the “within 5 years” quote to grasp onto
» anymore. this is Bull. alec

5 years just doesn’t cut it anymore. I want it in 1-2 years max.