ICX - my thoughts

» I think the HT industry has generally demonstrated that implanting healthy
» grafts (a resonable number on the first pass) will cause the balded skin to
» begin to revert to its eariler state and support the implanted grafts.
» Then the second pass is added later for density after the skin has had the
» year to heal up around the first pass grafts.

My concern is that when the graft a follcile its a whole unit i.e. capillaries,veins etc are all there. Now with TRC cells you don’t get that…I am quite sure that would negatively affect the result.

Yeah, but a modern heavily trimmed-down graft (particularly an FUE one) doesn’t have much in the way of any of that.

Maybe a graft still has the earliest bits of capillaries still attached, but the trail of blood still ends a few microns outside the grafts. After that it runs into previously-balded skin (and probably some amount of scar tisse that the transplanting process created).

So even in the case of an implanted follicle, the body is still being faced with a new follicle joining the area and having to regenerate the necessary capillaries & skin structures to feed it.

If the skin can generate follicles at all then it can probably generate the structures to feed them. We’re not talking about a whole bunch of major veins & arteries, just capillaries.