I have AAPE and a 1.5 mm dermaroller. Next?

I am concerned that 1.5 mm won’t be deep enough. What are your thoughts on a delivery method and timing of use? I am willing to break the bank to get some hair back so ordering another box if necessary doesn’t concern me.

Broadly speaking, dermarolling comes in two flavors.

Going 0.5mm deep makes enough of a hole in the outer layer of skin to temporarily increase penetration of topicals for a few minutes afterward. This can safely be done pretty often.

If your hair is pretty thick and you aren’t pushing very hard then it may take a .75mm needle or more just to get 0.5mm into the skin. But either way this kind of roll is not supposed to cause any bleeding.

Going over 1.0mm deep is more like causing “injury” punctures. This sort of thing is more serious (and medically useful). Deep punctures can take weeks to heal up. It isn’t something to do constantly. It’s for a different set of reasons than topical penetration alone.

[quote][postedby]Originally Posted by Christopher1[/postedby]
I am concerned that 1.5 mm won’t be deep enough. What are your thoughts on a delivery method and timing of use? I am willing to break the bank to get some hair back so ordering another box if necessary doesn’t concern me.[/quote]

  1. I don’t know about delivery method but I do think that dermarolling might work except I have concerns that after the needle creates a puncture the skin would immediately close up the hole.

Does anyone know a way to keep the dermaroller wound open?

  1. I would use it once or twice a week.

  2. I would use the powder version and I would have to mix a fresh batch for each use. Some of these growth factors start destabilizing rapidly. I’ve read that KGF starts destabilizing after 6 or 8 hours so one has to put the powder into solution and apply it right away.

  3. I don’t know the formula for how much powder to use and how much vehicle to use. I don’t even know what the vehicle should be. I also don’t know if there are any special issues involved with mixing it all together. Maybe Roger-that could help us figure this out.

  4. I don’t know how much powder comes in each vial but if you only need part of the contents of a vial then only use part of the contents. Don’t use too much. There are studies that reveal the correct dose.

  5. You can store AAPE in a common freezer for up to 2 years. As soon as you receive the powder AAPE in the mail put it in your freezer. Only take it out to get some to put into the vehicle/solution. Keep the rest frozen. Like I said, if you don’t use all of the contents of a vial when you make a batch for one application (on your head) then put the rest of the vial back in the freezer right away (immediately!!!) after getting out what you need for that one use. Take out what you need for one use, put the rest of the vial back in the freezer, and then mix the treatment with your solution to create enough for one use.

I’m not a doctor. I’m telling you what I would do. I’m pretty detailed and meticulous and I don’t like mistakes.

Research how DMSO is a carrier that penetrates even the brain barrier.

I read somewhere that the injections of AAPE are 3mm deep and that there are a few dozen of them and that the reason they do this many at this depth is to reach the bottom of the hair follicles where the product needs to be.

Next I would find the receipt and attempt to return said AAPE

Or sell it to the binx at a 19% profit margin

Go APE with AAPE!!!