HM is already here, it works!

Check this link:

What you guys think? The end of baldness already here?

Open the file!!!

They keep saying Hair stem cells Transplant …(I wonder where is the stem cells business here).

This is for sure a good news but it seems to be more of a new generation of Hair transplant …Here is a quotation from the website :

“In HST (HairStemcell Transplantation) a part of the follicle is taken away in a longitudinal direction with a needle of 0.5 mm or 0.6 mm diameter (0.2 – 0.3 mm_). The chance on scars is none and the re-growth in the donor area is higher then the above mentioned methods”

So if you want to consider it as HM .This is then a “second degree” HM or HM of “coefficient 2”…Whats great about it is that the donor area regrows + no scars…So you can probably take again from the donor area…Stills it does not offer unlimited Hair supply…Its my understanding that “doubling” the hair follicle :subdivising it in a longitudinal way has been done before. However it has never been offered to the public I think.

Here is another quotation :

" The number of required grafts depends on the degree on baldness and on your wishes. But it also depends on the size of the donor area and on the possible presence of scars. Also the bleeding, hair color and the structure of the skin are important factors. On a normal treatment day it is sometimes possible to transplant up to 1200 to 1400 grafts. With an average of 2-3 hairs each graft, this means around 3000 to 3500 hairs."

and a final one :

In one treatment 30-35 grafts can be placed in a cm_ (in an entirely bald area). The density can be increased in a next treatment with a maximum of approximately 50 grafts per cm_. By an average of 2-3 hairs each graft, the maximum hair density could be 125 hairs per cm_.

Good find Poldo, definitely a good news. Despite everything I said.

This the link :


bump???Translate it for Germans.Pleas:-D

For me, these are just claims. If what he says is true, then he should be able to restore a NW7 to a NW1 given enough time. I’d even settle for seeing a NW4 restored to a NW1. But I do need to see the proof. It’s not enough to claim you can do it, or show a picture of a follicle that has supposedly regrown, or cite studies that says this is real. Reuse those supposedly regrown follicles over and over again and show me that it really works.

isn’t this gho’s stem cell hair trasnplant?

» Check this link:
» What you guys think? The end of baldness already here?

I wish they would change the acronym HM to “DPM” since it doesn’t really multiply hair but rather old useless frickin DP cells… and hence the downfall of ICX.

» bump???Translate it for Germans.Pleas:-D

If you are filthy rich and willing to pay 3800 euros for 550 grafts, he can extract just a bit of hair follicl from your back, and put it in front. Both front and back parts of the follicle will regrow hair. But thats no news. He’s doing it for years already.

This is Dr Gho again, he may be good at researcher, I do not know, but we asked for evidence of decent results for YEARS & YEARS - they never showed up - the only evidence I have seen of his procedure I personally found to be extremely unimpressive.

It was like “Waiting For GHOdot” :wink:

» This is Dr Gho again, he may be good at researcher, I do not know, but we
» asked for evidence of decent results for YEARS & YEARS - they never showed
» up - the only evidence I have seen of his procedure I personally found to
» be extremely unimpressive.
» It was like “Waiting For GHOdot” :wink:

Ok, you need to be filthy rich. But in case you are, can you repeat this procedure over and over again and go back to NW1?