Has Hairsite officially abandoned this forum?

Has Hairsite officially abandoned this forum? Nine of the last eleven posts over the past two weeks are what’s his name’s bizarre echo chamber photo posts (you’d think he might notice the lack of engagement he’s getting), and one of the other two is an attempt by the forum’s most valuable contributor to get Hairsite to reign him in. After 22+ years, is this the end? If so, where are the valuable contributors going so I can continue to benefit from their posts?

I share with you true results of a True/Genuine Human Experience.
Have some respect.
Do you enjoy being taken for an ‘idiot’ with fake Experiences ?!

Hi Amilcar, Could you please keep your experiment together in one thread only. @hairsite could you please make this happen? Thanks :slight_smile:

I don’t think so about …

That should happen,he’s frickin irritating.