Hanginthere if U were in USA you would be registered sex offender

Imagine if you were releasing your sexual frustrations on 14 year old sex slaves in USA then they would make you register as a sex offender. You are only able to get away with you disgusting behavior because you are in a 3rd world country where slobs like you can get away with this type of filth.

» Imagine if you were releasing your sexual frustrations on 14 year old sex
» slaves in USA then they would make you register as a sex offender. You
» are only able to get away with you disgusting behavior because you are in
» a 3rd world country where slobs like you can get away with this type of
» filth.

since you are already a registered sex offender thank you for warning me, I will try not to get on the list…any suggestions? Oops I guess you are not the one to ask, you are too stupid to avoid being on the list and have to register everywhere you go. Must such having your house egged and protestors outside and having to move every two weeks

since you are already a registered sex offender thank you for warning me,
I will try not to get on the list…any suggestions? Oops I
guess you are not the one to ask, you are too stupid to avoid being on
the list
and have to register everywhere you go. Must such having your
house egged and protestors outside and having to move every two weeks

You never dismissed you’re a registered sex offender, AND you admitted you’re smart enough to elude the law. Honestly, that’s creepy.

BTW. I forgot to remind you - you’re an idiot (as is customary in all my posts)


All of which has a lot to do with hair multiplication & research.

» since you are already a registered sex offender
» thank you for warning me,
» I will try not to get on the list…any suggestions? Oops I
» guess you are not the one to ask, you are too stupid to avoid being
» on
» the list
and have to register everywhere you go. Must such having
» your
» house egged and protestors outside and having to move every two
» weeks
» You never dismissed you’re a registered sex offender, AND you admitted
» you’re smart enough to elude the law. Honestly, that’s creepy.
» BTW. I forgot to remind you - you’re an idiot (as is customary in all my
» posts)
» .

sarcasm goes over your head

surprise surprise