Hair transplant: body hair history

Hairsite, if you could also dig up another old post of mine "what you see is what you get " I would greatly appreciate it.

Dr Ray Woods

There may be one problem with body hair.

I have been using Propeicia, then Finasteride, and then Avodart.

I have noticed a dramatic decrease in my body hair since using these DHT inhibitors.

This could mean that someone taking these drugs to slow or prevent further loss of original scalp hair, might also thin any body hair transplanted to the scalp.

» There may be one problem with body hair.
» I have been using Propeicia, then Finasteride, and then Avodart.
» I have noticed a dramatic decrease in my body hair since using these DHT
» inhibitors.
» This could mean that someone taking these drugs to slow or prevent further
» loss of original scalp hair, might also thin any body hair transplanted to
» the scalp.

I noticed the same thing WRT my body hair (pre BHT). I would certainly advise anyone not to take these internal DHT inhibitors if preparing for or having already undergone a BHT. In addition to the BHT, I didn’t like the sides.

Not sure, but I think there might be some external DHT products that prevent the DHT from binding to the androgen receptors that might be okay, but not the ones that prevent the production of DHT. My opinion and I would advise anyone to consult a doc.

» » There may be one problem with body hair.
» »
» » I have been using Propeicia, then Finasteride, and then Avodart.
» »
» » I have noticed a dramatic decrease in my body hair since using these
» » inhibitors.
» »
» » This could mean that someone taking these drugs to slow or prevent
» further
» » loss of original scalp hair, might also thin any body hair transplanted
» to
» » the scalp.
» I noticed the same thing WRT my body hair (pre BHT). I would certainly
» advise anyone not to take these internal DHT inhibitors if preparing for
» or having already undergone a BHT. In addition to the BHT, I didn’t like
» the sides.
» Not sure, but I think there might be some external DHT products that
» prevent the DHT from binding to the androgen receptors that might be okay,
» but not the ones that prevent the production of DHT. My opinion and I
» would advise anyone to consult a doc.

Trouble is, if you don’t take those meds, you will probably lose more hair and sooner.


"When considering a body hair procedure, I urge you to look at your body hair.

Examine it carefully.

Although body hair , when transplanted to the scalp, will “usually” increase in length, the degree of increase is dependent upon where it came from and how long and robust it was.

Although it is usually packed more densely , fundamentally WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU WILL GET.

Furthermore, certain parts of the body are prone to much higher transection rates. So when looking at fresh photos, never assume the red dots you see on the body represent intact follicles, or that dots on the recipient area will produce hair.

So when someone as astute as SKYWALKER did the research, he probably found that all those early intra op photos of thousands of red dots on some guys body wound up producing very little
And if after shots did show something, was it regrowth of pre existing hair ?
Were the photos manipulated ?
And how many promising cases “disappeared” , no results ever seen despite the initial publicity.

In calling BHT “hype”, Skywalker is right insofar as the inundation of the forum with shameless publicity stunts , manipulated photos and inhouse cheer squads.

I also cannot believe that Skywalker has not seen enough genuine results to realise that BHT is an incredible resource when done correctly.

And doing this job correctly is extremely long and demanding, and leaves little time or inclination to compete with those flooding the forum with publicity grabbing hype.

I hope Skywalker leaves the forum understanding this. Otherwise I sincerely wish him the best.

Dr Ray Woods"

I emember this post. It was a good post.

» I emember this post. It was a good post.

For those of you who have hung around these sites for several years, you will remember this.

A few years ago , various doctors jumped on the body hair bandwagon and performed amazing megasessions with LEG HAIR, PUBIC HAIR etc.

I found it difficult to remain silent, as I regarded it to be a shameless publicity grabbing fraud.

When I spoke out, I was repeadely and continuously attacked as being an “ancestor”, and inferior to these new amazing techniques which could remove thousands of leg hair and create incredible results.

Well , now we know, it was baloney.

But How does the perpetrator of this fraud turn a humiliating reality into victory?

You arrogantly pretend to be the lecturing professor, teaching the masses as to why body hair has certain failings. How ironic, and a very clever political manouver in covering ones own guilty butt.

Dr Ray Woods

I agree Dr. Woods… And to add to your statement… The internet became a double edged sword. It corrected the 80’s and 90’s butchering doctors and hair mills… in that folks could research clinics and their reputations.

However, the other side of the sword was the ability to sell a procedure by marketing schemes that caused much financial and mental heartache for guys looking for a solution to hairloss. An example of wrongly marketed schemes was a “hair serum” that was $20,000 per ounce, a clinic that supposedly figured out HM when in fact it was a total failure, and the BHT promise which to date is unpredictable. If the internet was not here, then no one would have given any of these procedures a second thought.

NOW the only way to correct the situation and try to keep folks in check is to “out” clinics and pummel question after question about anything and everything. Such things as a clinic posting a picture as a BHT case only and in reality it is scalp/BHT mixtures in not unheard of. And neither is photoshoped pictures.

Sadly, it feels like an uphill battle at times.

good post BTW Dr. Woods

» "When considering a body hair procedure, I urge you to look at your
» body hair.
» Examine it carefully.
» Although body hair , when transplanted to the scalp, will “usually”
» increase in length, the degree of increase is dependent upon where it came
» from and how long and robust it was.
» Although it is usually packed more densely , fundamentally WHAT YOU SEE IS

Interesting Dr. Woods. Isnt what you say similar to what Dr. A says.

If the body hair are packed more densely, why will one see hair grwoth like on chest. Why not denser? Is it because the haircycles do not change.

As a young medical student , a revered senior professor told our tutorial group

“at any one time, FIFTY PERCENT of everything you are taught will eventually be proven to be wrong”

That was similtaneously the most profoundly disturbing and enlightening statement I have ever heard .

Was he right ? Even if he was 50% right, it should be enough to cause serious thought and questioning.

On the forums, I believe it holds as well.

In keeping with current trends, legitimate enqiry and questioning of information , photos, etc seems stifled . Rarely is anything seriously challenged , debated and held to account, as people are possibly intimidated by inhouse cheersquads pushing a certain line.

I believe the old professor was quite accurate.

I urge readers to question , enquire and carefully dissect all information and photos shown on the net.

Otherwise, it could cost you your head.

Dr Ray Woods

Dr. Woods, my question got lost in this thread. I will post it again.

You said **
» Although body hair , when transplanted to the scalp, will “usually”
» increase in length, the degree of increase is dependent upon where it came
» from and how long and robust it was.
» Although it is usually packed more densely , fundamentally WHAT YOU SEE IS

If the body hair are packed more densely, why will one see hair growth like on chest. Why not denser? Is it because the haircycles do not change as Dr. A says.
Or is it that the yield will be less due to dense packing as Dr. Cole suggests?

Dr. A says he does not think the density of the transplant is an issue. In other words, he says that he does not have a problem with transplanting BHT at a higher density.

The opinions of BHT doctors are sometimes completely different.

Arun, do you actually work in the field ?

I will answer soon as I get a chance

Dr Ray Woods

» If the body hair are packed more densely, why will one see hair growth
» like on chest. Why not denser? Is it because the haircycles do not change
» as Dr. A says.
» Or is it that the yield will be less due to dense packing as Dr. Cole
» suggests?

Arun, it is likely that body hair spends some time in Kinogen, that is, a larger degree of the cycle of a BH follicle is taken up as an “empty follicle” so a smaller proportion of the follicles are visible as growing hairs. This means that there are more follicles than actively growing or static telogen visible hairs. As far as yeild is concerned, I believe it depends on the surgeon rather than the density. In this respect I am not a believer in the paracrine theory that local BH follicles determine the maximum density, certainly there is no biochemical evidence for this.

Some one needs to run biochemical assays in BHT tissue to see which cytokines, leukotrines, and/or enzymes are locally secreted. The run the same sort of panel on various BHT and including scalp tissue. Some one needs to start this process to understand BHT properties. Then one day a drug could possible alter the growth and/or characteristics.

» Arun, do you actually work in the field ?
» I will answer soon as I get a chance
» Dr Ray Woods

Thank you Dr. Woods. Post your reply when you get the time. I do not work in the hair field except in a anxious patient capacity. :slight_smile: Though I am a physician myself and am intrigued by recent statements.

» » If the body hair are packed more densely, why will one see hair growth
» » like on chest. Why not denser? Is it because the haircycles do not
» change
» » as Dr. A says.
» » Or is it that the yield will be less due to dense packing as Dr. Cole
» » suggests?
» Arun, it is likely that body hair spends some time in Kinogen, that is, a
» larger degree of the cycle of a BH follicle is taken up as an “empty
» follicle” so a smaller proportion of the follicles are visible as growing
» hairs. This means that there are more follicles than actively growing or
» static telogen visible hairs. As far as yeild is concerned, I believe it
» depends on the surgeon rather than the density. In this respect I am not a
» believer in the paracrine theory that local BH follicles determine the
» maximum density, certainly there is no biochemical evidence for this.

I think the density issue is not real too. But just wanted to post all the alternatives.
I am specially intrigued by the statement that you will get what you see. I look at my chest and I do not like the hair density. If Dr. Woods has seen in his patients that they will ultimately get density that they have on chest, even after placing at higher density, there must be reason for it.

What you see is what you get IMO is the length and caliber. And how I would look at it is this: If you look at your chest, this is what you should expect if transplanting at an equal density.

Now at Dr. Harris’s office, he doubled up on the single BHT’s. And in the only case of BHT I worked on with him, I saw growth using that format. Most BHT’s run in singles and a few sporatic 2’s. Some lucky individuals have more than normal 2’s and I have seen only one 3 haired BHT graft in my life. Anyway since, most BHT’s are no where near the caliber of scalp as well as come in mostly singles, you run into issues of coverage per graft. And on top of that you are paying per graft… in a BHT you are paying $5 to $10 per graft… and in most cases per hair.

» I am specially intrigued by the statement that you will get what you see.
» I look at my chest and I do not like the hair density. If Dr. Woods has
» seen in his patients that they will ultimately get density that they have
» on chest, even after placing at higher density, there must be reason for
» it.

I can’t speak for Dr. Woods of cause but I believe that he meant that you get what you see in terms of callibre and length rather than density.