Going .. going

» » shit. he looks like he’s in his early 40’s. baldness is a very
» embarrassing
» » fucking disease man.
» he doesnt look like he is in his early 40’s. like 28 or something. at
» least for me. dont only focus on his balding. if you focus on his face
» like most people would do, he looks like 28 (including hair).

a balding 28 year old or a full NW0 at 28 years old??

hell, they get 27 and 28 year old actors to play teenagers in movies like American Pie and that’s without makeup or a rug.

i know 30 year olds that look younger than that. my best friend is about to turn 30 and looks at least 3 years younger than that…

if i met him without knowing who he was i would guess low to mid 30’s at the youngest.

in one of those pics he looks 40 though.

this shit puts YEARS on your appearance. it’s a fucking shame we have to go thru this shit man.

Absolutely right.

My friend is three months younger than me. For years and years, we used to look the same age. But then he starting lose hair early and became a NW#3 while I was still a NW#2. Pretty soon he was being guessed as ten years older than me.

It’s that simple.