FDA Contradictions

I have been resurching, HM on the internet for a couple of weeks now, I have a few questions to ask if anyone can answer them.

  1. why dose the FDA make these huge hurdles, for these large well regulated companies, but allow cowboy’s to sell hoax cures like wild fire.

  2. Dose anyone share the frustration of trying to find information on the net, only to have to sift through tons and tons of bull shit adds, some guy is even trying to sell distilled dog poo to rub on your head!

  3. Also the qulity of information is very poor as well, very vauge, ambiguos, full of waffel (I swear one guy made an official article on two centences of information). Dose anyone know where you can find reliable information on HM, Im in collage writing a paper and want to hopefully major in hair science, any help will be greatly appriciated.

» I have been resurching, HM on the internet for a couple of weeks now, I
» have a few questions to ask if anyone can answer them.
» 1. why dose the FDA make these huge hurdles, for these large well
» regulated companies, but allow cowboy’s to sell hoax cures like wild
» fire.
» 2. Dose anyone share the frustration of trying to find information on the
» net, only to have to sift through tons and tons of bull shit adds, some
» guy is even trying to sell distilled dog poo to rub on your head!
» 3. Also the qulity of information is very poor as well, very vauge,
» ambiguos, full of waffel (I swear one guy made an official article on two
» centences of information). Dose anyone know where you can find reliable
» information on HM, Im in collage writing a paper and want to hopefully
» major in hair science, any help will be greatly appriciated.

I dont trust them at all.

» I have been researching, HM on the Internet for a couple of weeks now, I
» have a few questions to ask if anyone can answer them.
» 1. why dose the FDA make these huge hurdles, for these large well
» regulated companies, but allow cowboy’s to sell hoax cures like wild
» fire.

This is because the FDA doesn’t regulate herbal supplements which most of those hoax cures sell under. The FDA regulates only the creation of new drugs that companies wish to bring to the market. These companies have to pass the 3 phase system i.e. phase one safety phase, phase two small scale efficiency test, and phase three large scale efficiency testing. Once through these a company an market its product. Someone out there can correct me if I am wrong on this though.

» 2. Dose anyone share the frustration of trying to find information on the
» net, only to have to sift through tons and tons of bull shit adds, some
» guy is even trying to sell distilled dog poo to rub on your head!

Yeah the net is a tough place to find information on actual hairloss science.
Not much you can do but keep wadding through the shit, but you did come to the right place this forum is filled with information.

» 3. Also the quality of information is very poor as well, very vague,
» ambiguous, full of waffel (I swear one guy made an official article on two
» sentences of information). Dose anyone know where you can find reliable
» information on HM, Im in collage writing a paper and want to hopefully
» major in hair science, any help will be greatly appreciated.

Here are some useful sites to get you going www.aderansresearch.com and www.intercytex.com. These sites have some pretty good information on HM. Hopefully other people will post more.