Environmental factors involved in AGA ?!?!

Pollution sends men bald

Men living in polluted areas are more likely to go bald than those breathing cleaner air, a new study suggests.

The ground breaking research, by academics at the University of London, has linked the onset of male pattern baldness, to environmental factors, such as air pollution and smoking.

The scientists believe toxins and carcinogens found in polluted air can stop hair growing by blocking mechanisms that produce the protein from which hair is made. Baldness is known to be hereditary, but the new research suggests that environmental factors could exacerbate hair loss.

It raises the hope that scientists may be able to develop treatments for balding men, with topical creams that are able to combat the effects of pollution on hair follicles.

Mike Philpott, from the school of medicine at Queen Mary University of London, said: "We think any pollutant that can get into the bloodstream or into the skin and into the hair follicle could cause some stress to it and impair the ability of the hair to make a fibre.

“There are a whole host of carcinogens and toxins in the environment that could trigger this. It suggests that if you stop smoking or live in an area with less air pollution, you may be less predisposed to hair loss.”

The study, recently published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, involved removing hair follicles from balding men and then studying the samples in laboratories.

The team noted disruption in the process of hair growth, caused by oxidative stress, which destroys cells and is made worse by the effects of smoking and air pollution.

Prof Philpott added: “There is an inherited basis to hair loss, but we are have now identified environmental factors that are important too.”

The team plan to conduct further tests to pinpoint precise sources which may cause baldness, including trying to grow hair in different environments that are rich in nicotine and other pollutants found in air.

Nilofer Farjo, a hair transplant doctor involved in the research, added: "This may lead to new methods of treating genetic hair loss. The research suggests that environmental factors like smoking and air pollution contribute to hair loss because they introduce elements that are harmful to the normal mechanisms by which the cells work.

“There’s undoubtedly genetics involved as well, but now we know there are environmental factors too. If you live in a place with cleaner air, you might be at less risk.”

According to the British Association of Dermatologists, hereditary hair loss, or androgenetic alopecia, is responsible for 95 per cent of hair loss and is seen in men and women.

In men, where is it is also known as male pattern baldness, it involves the progressive thinning of hair along the hair line. In women, it causes the hair to thin on the crown of the head and tends to be less noticeable.

Hair loss can begin as early as the teens, and by the age of 35, almost 40 percent of men and women show some degree of hair loss.

The human head comes equipped with 100,000 tiny hair follicles, from each of which grow a single hair.


castrated men still dont lose their hair

women still dont lose their hair (but will if they take testosteron injects if their family has a history of baldness)

Reactive oxygen species is downstream of androgenic uptake and is part of the localized immunological response, but if you remove the androgneic uptake—it doesn’t happen

smoking decreases the amount of oxygen in the blood, and living around pollution increases and speeds ageing…but it still doesn’t make all men go bald because some men who smoke and work in factories dont lose any hair

This is kind of a bogus study in my opinion. Of COURSE introducing smoke and filth to hair follicles in experiments will slow down their cellular processes- as it would slow down the cellular processes of any tissue. Clean air isn’t why men have mpb. What a waste of research money

I remember i once took a trip through much of Asia. My trip allowed me to go through Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India. One thing that struck me was the number of bald men i came across. Out of hundreds of men, maybe one or two were bald. Here in USA, its almost hard to find a non balding man, what exactly is going on here? It may be that ones environment plays a much greater role then genetics. Many of us have read the articles about “Japanese men are increasingly becoming bald as they have adopted western diet in their life style”. Many westerners boast about their access to nutritional foods, yet i have seen and read how some scientists claim that microwaving ones food removes 97% of its nutritional value. In my own personal experience i have been told by many people “i started losing hair after i came to the United States”. Along with pollution, horrendous eating habits, increasing levels of stress, perhaps its something in our western water…hmmm.

I have a hard time buying the “I wasn’t losing hair until I came to the US” arguments because everyone can point to a time earlier in their life when they weren’t losing hair. There are also a number of guys who insist that masturbation causes their hair loss because they started doing both during their teens.

Do people in the US have more hair loss than Asia? Probably.

We also have more caucasians than Asia. A lot more. That’s where the MPB genetics are most prevalent.

And when it comes to intermarrying, that’s VERY relevant. Even when American-living Asians stick to marrying partners that appear to be fellow Asians, there is a MUCH higher probability of Caucasian intermingling of the genetics somewhere back on the line. A person can have a whole extended family of a single race and still be carrying genes from some other background that was mixed in 3 generations back or something.

(And although the rates are lower, Asians themselves still have MPB too. It’s not like they categorically need Caucasian blood to get it. Perhaps a slight dose of Caucasian genetics can help strengthen some originally-less-powerful MPB genetics that they already had.)

I’m not totally ruling out an environmental cause. But genetics are still the vast, vast, VAST majority of the problem.