Elaine Fuchs research

Link to complete article (Published Mar 2007):


"Fuchs’ team devised a strategy for labeling the bulge stem cells with a green fluorescent protein, allowing the group to study the behavior of the cells in vivo and to use fluorescence-activated cell sorting technology to purify the cells and grow them in culture.

They observed that a few of the bulge cells were “activated” at the start of each hair cycle, and that many were activated in response to a wound at the skin surface. The investigators also grafted cultured bulge cells onto nude mice (mice that lack hair follicles) and observed tufts of hair at the graft. "

If i’m reading it correctly, this supports follica’s method.

Plucking hair causes the follicle to immediatley go to the anagen phase (should also apply to vellus hair). So theoratically, plucking vellus (minitaurized) hair on temples followed by gentle abrasion of the area maybe beneficial.

» Link to complete article (Published Mar 2007):
» http://www.mc.vanderbilt.edu/reporter/index.html?ID=5382
» "Fuchs’ team devised a strategy for labeling the bulge stem cells with a
» green fluorescent protein, allowing the group to study the behavior of the
» cells in vivo and to use fluorescence-activated cell sorting technology to
» purify the cells and grow them in culture.
» They observed that a few of the bulge cells were “activated” at
» the start of each hair cycle, and that many were activated in
» response to a wound at the skin surface. The investigators also
» grafted cultured bulge cells onto nude mice (mice that lack hair follicles)
» and observed tufts of hair at the graft.
» If i’m reading it correctly, this supports follica’s method.
» Plucking hair causes the follicle to immediatley go to the anagen phase
» (should also apply to vellus hair). So theoratically, plucking vellus
» (minitaurized) hair on temples followed by gentle abrasion of the area
» maybe beneficial.

This is good stuff Goata…Follica’s patent called for depliation (plucking) and dermabrasion three days later…and on human skin new hair germs were detected seven days after the dermabrasion.

That’s great to know-we’re hearing the same thing from different researchers regarding wound healing and hair growth, seems to me this could be the solution we’ve been waiting for, I’m cautiously optimistic.

I also like the fact that the follicle bulge contains multipotent stem cells. If they can be turned on to manufacture new hair, we’re set. But it appears the Follica method has very real potential. Obviously it works on mice, it just needs to be tweaked to work on humans. Hopefully we get positive news from them in the near future.

» That’s great to know-we’re hearing the same thing from different
» researchers regarding wound healing and hair growth, seems to me this could
» be the solution we’ve been waiting for, I’m cautiously optimistic.
» I also like the fact that the follicle bulge contains multipotent stem
» cells. If they can be turned on to manufacture new hair, we’re set. But it
» appears the Follica method has very real potential. Obviously it works on
» mice, it just needs to be tweaked to work on humans. Hopefully we get
» positive news from them in the near future.

Any report on those summer trails in Boston?


This is phucking amazing…another validation of the wounding potential…

They observed that a few of the bulge cells were “activated” at the start of each hair cycle, and that many were activated in response to a wound at the skin surface.

wow !!

the validation I was awaiting :slight_smile:

» »
» This is phucking amazing…another validation of the wounding potential…

How about that. All roads end up at FOLLICA!

» How about that. All roads end up at FOLLICA!

I have to say, I’m really excited about Follica. Especially because it has a lot of research from separate researchers/doctors backing it up.

» Any report on those summer trails in Boston?

Sorry I wouldn’t know but I think there are others on this board who might have a better idea.