Dutasteride testimonials from the archives
The following includes summary for SIDE EFFECTS, POSITIVE RESULTS, NEGATIVE RESULTS and more since Dec 25th, 2002.
Tom M & Nick - face and beard very dry
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Vanderloo1978 - reduction in body and facial hair in 7 days
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Multiple testimonials - Kimutaku: slight hangover like headaches / Armand: headaches for the past 3 wks / Chia Pet: pressure all over my scalp / Demarco: never had headaches till now / JeffT: felt like a sinus headache / Skeletor: headache on the 6th day
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NEONFX: Beard growth slowed down after 25 days
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Multiple testimonials - Spanky: trouble sleeping + mood swings / Ciano: trouble sleeping, aggression / JeffT: better mood but more aggressive / Corn Row Head: bad mood swings + headache / Dude: wavering headache / Armand: headache / ButtGaser: trouble sleeping but more alert /
DJ: increased libido, gas, dizzy
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Mick: reduction in scalp itchiness and oiliness
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AJ: scalp itch completely disappeared
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JeffT: face dryer, increase in sex drive
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Tony: irregular bowel movement
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Mick: burning sensation on scalp, feel like hair being pulled / Glutton For Duta: same feeling on scalp
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AJ: already started getting some gyno,
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Yuck: bad stomach cramps, trouble sleeing,
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f/s/p: worst headache in years
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neofnx: 35 days, better libido
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Jason + Homer: mood swings, cranky,
Tom M - face + beard extremely dry
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McHale - hair with more body + texture
Nick - no more shedding
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Chris - small dark hairs now visible in place of vellous hairs
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Multiple testimonials reporting good results from Anon, Qman, Bonito, Jeremy, Robot Java, Alecbaldone
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AS - Temples starting to fill in after 3 weeks
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Multiple testimonials: WSJ: Can’t believe how thick hair gets after 4 wks / Chris: amazing success in just 2 wks / Chia Pet: bare temples now filled with tiny hairs / McHale: better texture and body after 4 wks / Chris: seems to start working right away
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Anon: daily fallout a lot less
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Thorns: almost no hair loss after 5 weeks
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Payton: got his hairline back in 15 days ?
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Comma: many new small hairs after 4 weeks
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Royce: topical dutasteride, huge shed followed by thickening of hairline
Jeff: new dark hair growth on temples after 20 days
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JeffT: “Holy Smokes” , just over 3 weeks / Chia: same fast results /
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Ruudboy: regrowth on left temple
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Knucklehead - vellous hairs maturing
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NW2: 1 month results, definite new hair growth, hair feels amazing
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New Guy: 3 weeks, undeniable results
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Jeremy: 4 weeks, terminal looking hairs coming out, hair loss definitely stopped
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Kuch: 2 weeks, hair continues to thin but half of what it used to
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Andrew: 5 weeks, lots of vellous hairs on left temple
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STL dude: 6 weeks, thin vellous hairs evolving into something
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Thorns: Avodart + HGH = “My hair is back”
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Bald Mofo: 2 weeks, scalp less greasy, hair loss slowed, hair healthier
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Andrew: 5 weeks, have regrowth
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JeffT’s 1-month official report
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Rafael: 17 days , hair loss slowed significantly
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Yuck: 3 weeks, small blonde hairs coming out
AS - Shedding like crazy
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Pezcedo - hair looks worse every day
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Multiple testimonials - Joshua: still same hair loss / Pezcado: losing slightly more hair than usual / Steve: shedding like mad /
Multiple testimonials - Rowan: 24 days, still same hair loss / Peanuts: hairloss getting worse /
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Steve: worse shedding in his life
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MC: 24 days, hair continues to thin / Pezcado: 4 weeks and hair looks worse every day
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Armand: 5 weeks and shedding continues
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Multiple testimonials, still NO results per Rowan, Armand, HaPLO, Danny
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Multiple testimonials, all about shedding per Questioner, Knucklehead, Jeremy, BigXII,
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boutit: 1 month, zero help
http://www.hairsite4.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi?az=show_thread&om=308&forum=DCForumID5&omm=2&viewmode=threaded -
Glutton: day 22, shedding in full force
http://www.hairsite4.com/dcforum/DCForumID5/305.html -
Jason: 2 wks, shedding to the point where it’s getting ridiculous
http://www.hairsite4.com/dcforum/DCForumID5/300.html -
Kuch: official report after 3 weeks, hair loss increased
http://www.hairsite4.com/dcforum/DCForumID5/298.html -
Peterl: 4 wks, definitely shedding more
http://www.hairsite4.com/dcforum/DCForumID5/296.html -
Alan: 4 wks, disappointed so far
Payton : shedding + regrowth at the same time
http://www.hairsite4.com/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi?az=show_thread&om=64&forum=DCForumID5&omm=17&viewmode=threaded -
AS - Shedding like crazy but also see regrowth near temples
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Royce: topical dutasteride, huge shed followed by thickening of hairline
http://www.hairsite4.com/dcforum/DCForumID5/77.html -
New Guy - increase in shedding but also regrowth on left temple
Royce - formulating topical dutas
http://www.hairsite4.com/dcforum/DCForumID5/77.html -
Tech9 - Topical dutasteride with Phlojel