Dr. Woods - Daniel, repair using 1100 beard hairs

This patient had approximately 17 previous operations which included scalp reductions, flaps and strip excision. He only has very sparse body hair which will be required to repair his frontal hairline. This meant there was no alternative other than beard hair to repair the massive scars on the back of his head which he otherwise had to disguise with a hair piece. 1,100 Beard Hair grafts were transplanted into the scar area under microscopic control utilizing the finest instrumentation and technique possible. Transection rates were approx. 5%. Beard hair can be very coarse, feel sharp or prickly and look unnatural on the frontal scalp region but can be used to repair donor scars. The pinkness is fading gradually and now looks little more than a shaving rash. I wish to stress that Beard hair should be removed below the jaw line to avoid any possibility of pock marks and indentations on the face. Beard Hair is not easy to remove and is prone to transection and damage in the removal process. If not done correctly, for every single good follicle, several follicles could be damaged and non viable. If Beard hair is to be considered the last body hair resource then careless removal must be avoided at all costs. This may deplete valuable stores below the jaw line and force some doctors to attempt removing beard hair from the face and this I believe is potentially problematic and only to be used as an absolute last resort. Surgery Performed by Dr Ray Woods, Inventor FUE & BHT






10 days

10 days

10 days

18 days

18 days

4 months

4 months

4 months

4 months

Dr. Woods is the inventor of FUE and BHT hair transplant. For more patient results, go to www.thewoodstechnique.com or www.woodstechnique.com.au

email: drwoods@thewoodstechnique.com

After 4 months, this is a very good result given the massive damage done to the arteries, nerves and the resulting thick avascular scarring.

I expect in a few more months the result will be better still.

He tells me he now walks around without a wig, and doesn’t attract attention,
and It will improve.

Dr Ray Woods

He is lucky his beard hair is the same color as his scalp hair, makes for a very natural, seamless transition from his face to hairline. For many people, like myself, my beard hair is reddish while the scalp hair is a dark brown or even black.

I’d like to see updates on this patient, he looks like great this early.

I am glad for the covergae the patient is getting.
Still, one thing bothers me. Dr. Arvind mentioned about beard donor management. I see his point here.
Dr. Woods, why did you extract all beard hair from just below his chin? A more natural pattern will be to spread out the extraction to all the underchin areas and to take out more from the sides than from the center. This will definitely look odd if he grows out his beard.

» I am glad for the covergae the patient is getting.
» Still, one thing bothers me. Dr. Arvind mentioned about beard donor
» management. I see his point here.
» Dr. Woods, why did you extract all beard hair from just below his chin? A
» more natural pattern will be to spread out the extraction to all the
» underchin areas and to take out more from the sides than from the center.
» This will definitely look odd if he grows out his beard.
Any donor area pictures at 4 months with stubble grown out? Just curious.

Dr. Woods,

Any post op pics? It would be nice to see where you put the 1100 grafts.

» A more natural pattern will be to spread out the extraction to all the
» underchin areas and to take out more from the sides than from the center.
» This will definitely look odd if he grows out his beard.

I agree!
Beard hair frightens me a great deal.Having white dots on your body is one thing but having scarring on your face/neck is another.The neck is a very sensitive area & I would be very concerned over how the area will heal.

The pre op photos look very strange.Why is his hair length at the back of his head so varied? Why isn’t his hair all the same length?

» The pre op photos look very strange.Why is his hair length at the back of
» his head so varied? Why isn’t his hair all the same length?

Due to the extreme damage, the hair on the sides was vellous or absent.
That was the way he looked and it wasn’t good.

As far as scarring , there is no scarring .

But removing from the cheeks will place patients at risk of pock mark acne scars . As with wet zone harvesting, I regard it a medically irresponsible procedure.

Dr Ray Woods

» » The pre op photos look very strange.Why is his hair length at the back
» of
» » his head so varied? Why isn’t his hair all the same length?
» Due to the extreme damage, the hair on the sides was vellous or absent.
» That was the way he looked and it wasn’t good.
» As far as scarring , there is no scarring .
» But removing from the cheeks will place patients at risk of pock mark acne
» scars . As with wet zone harvesting, I regard it a medically irresponsible
» procedure.
» Dr Ray Woods

I didnt mean the cheeks, Dr. Woods.
I meant the sides below the jawbone. You took hair only from below the chin and not from the sides below the jaw. That will look very odd if he lets his beard grow out even a day. I have never seen anyone with that type of beard hair growth.

This guy is clearly body dismorphic. 17 surgeries. wow. he’s had his chin done as well. I wonder what else. I’m sure this was not his last surgery. he will not stop unless it is perfect and that with the current state of ht technology, is impossible.

Though definately the 18 surgery was quite an improvement. Well done.

In fact I may be wrong. being butchered must be difficult and it could explain 16 unsucessful desperate tries to fix it up. I never understood how ppl who did that to him and many others can sleep well.

» I never understood how
» ppl who did that to him and many others can sleep well.

Please! If they had a conscience they wouldn’t be in this industry.Every one of these “doctors” see firsthand when they are being trained that a HTP only benefits the doctor’s bank balance & does very little for the patient.

EVERY doctor here who has performed strip or scalp reductions has butchered a patient.This is a fact! They have all done it! They ALL have skeletons in their closets.These “doctors” return to their clinic the very next day & performed the very same procedure that ruined a life the day before.They have no conscience,they don’t care.They are just after our money.

What kind of a person cuts a healthy strip of flesh from the back of a patients head,inflicting so much unnecessary trauma just so they can create a transparent illusion of hair?

These “doctors” gravitate to this industry for easy money & for the fact that it is complete anarchy.They don’t have the talent or surgical skill to excel in other medical fields so they join an industry that requires no training & has no rules of conduct.

If I butchered a patient just once I would never perform the procedure again because I would be so traumatised from what I have done.Yet these bastards go on like nothing has happened,come on forums like these & pretend to care & more & more gullible idiots line up to be potential victims.

The doctor who butchered me is listed here.Despite ruining my life he continues to perform strip surgery & continues to claim that he cares about his patients.

I am desperate for Follica or ICX to provide us with a real solution not only so that I may be able to get my life back but so that people will stop going to these psychos.Follica/ICX products will be the only way these guys will be saved from becoming victims because they will never listen to people like me.They will always fall for the b.s that a doctor & their clinic salesmen will give during a consultation.

» As far as scarring , there is no scarring .
» Dr Ray Woods

Would you give this in writing to a perspective patient ? I won’t be holding my breath for a response.

» »
» » As far as scarring , there is no scarring .
» »
» »
» » Dr Ray Woods
» Would you give this in writing to a perspective patient ?
» I won’t be holding my breath for a response.

I am sorry, I meant to say no "visible’ scarring. Three of my beard hair patients will be back to see me over the next 10 days.

And they tell me there is no visible scarring. I will provide photos

And Daniel says the same, but I need him to send the photos.

It is impossible to cut the skin and not cause scarring. I tell every patient there may be some minor scarring, but so far, nothing is visible.

It has to do with technique , experience and of course , the patients healing capacity.

Dr Ray Woods

» » I never understood how
» » ppl who did that to him and many others can sleep well.
» Please! If they had a conscience they wouldn’t be in this industry.Every
» one of these “doctors” see firsthand when they are being trained that a HTP
» only benefits the doctor’s bank balance & does very little for the patient.
» EVERY doctor here who has performed strip or scalp reductions has
» butchered a patient.This is a fact! They have all done it! They ALL have
» skeletons in their closets.These “doctors” return to their clinic the very
» next day & performed the very same procedure that ruined a life the day
» before.They have no conscience,they don’t care.They are just after our
» money.
» What kind of a person cuts a healthy strip of flesh from the back of a
» patients head,inflicting so much unnecessary trauma just so they can create
» a transparent illusion of hair?
» These “doctors” gravitate to this industry for easy money & for the fact
» that it is complete anarchy.They don’t have the talent or surgical skill to
» excel in other medical fields so they join an industry that requires no
» training & has no rules of conduct.
» If I butchered a patient just once I would never perform the procedure
» again because I would be so traumatised from what I have done.Yet these
» bastards go on like nothing has happened,come on forums like these &
» pretend to care & more & more gullible idiots line up to be potential
» victims.
» The doctor who butchered me is listed here.Despite ruining my life he
» continues to perform strip surgery & continues to claim that he cares about
» his patients.
» I am desperate for Follica or ICX to provide us with a real solution not
» only so that I may be able to get my life back but so that people will stop
» going to these psychos.Follica/ICX products will be the only way these guys
» will be saved from becoming victims because they will never listen to
» people like me.They will always fall for the b.s that a doctor & their
» clinic salesmen will give during a consultation.

Great post.
I don’t see why any HT doc would perform strip if they had the ability to perform FUE.
Just my opinion as a strip and FUE/BHT patient.

This is Daniel(a.k.a. Diamond6) I just wanted to state that first off Body Dismorphic disorder as defined: An obsession with an imaginary fault of the body. Are my scars imaginary? No they are the result of what strip doctors call a patient who did not heal well.Too bad they state. Evil!! Ask a strip doctor for a money back guarantee that they will not have visable scars. As far as my chin it is not a result of surgery but when I was three I fell off a tricycle and had to have stitches. That was many years ago. The only Doctor who has helped me is Dr. Woods. His method of extraction is impeccable. In any area he has extracted hair it is impossible to tell that hair has been removed. His growth is excellent as all the areas of my deformed scalp are improving every month. Many posters on this site are simply sales people from various clinics. As one who has been through hell since 1986 I can read between the lines. I am not a sales person. I would ask all doctors who use Dr Woods technique FUE’s to remove their medical release forms if they are so good. One always has to sign something that states this is a form of medical practice and they cannot predict the final outcome. They tell patients what they want to hear and never deliver. Does anyone out there remember the report "splitting hairs from dateline about 11 years ago? It truly revealed the dark side of the hair transplant industry that even today is behind closed doors. Of course this post will get replies from other posters stating how happy they are and their doctor is the best. Dr Woods invented the whole technique they use. Why don’t they invent a method of their own? They run him down as many sales people who post on this site pull for their clinics to lure the innocent in their doors. If it sound too good to be true it probably is. Remember there is no miracle out there. If there were every person would have a full head of hair. I can only attest that Dr Woods is honest and does deliver on his method. I am improving every month as I stated before and will continue this fall with him because I can see the results. That is all that counts and all one could ask for.

FUE is nowhere near as revolutionary or as perfect as people make it out to be.It is an alternative to strip but has many limitations & drawbacks.In most cases FUE provides the same lame results as strip & in some hands the results are worse.I can never understand why so many doctors vigorously argue over who created FUE.Saying you created FUE is like saying you slept with the village slut.So what? It’s not like you have done something that has made a huge impact on people’s lives. HM will be the ONLY revolutionary technique that will change this industry.

How can Doctor X copy a technique from Doctor Y,when Doctor Y has not disclosed his/her technique to anyone? If Doctor Y goes to great lengths to operate in secrecy then doctor X can only try to duplicate doctor Y’s ideas.Dr X does not use the exact same tools,procedures nor the same techniques as Dr Y.Dr X does invent his own technique & whether it is inferior or superior to that used by Dr Y is unknown.

I have said it before & I will say it again.Just because you don’t sign papers prior to a procedure does not mean that the doctor is offering a procedure that will not harm you.CLINCAL NOTES protect a doctor from legal prosecution.Ask a lawyer & they will tell you this.
All a doctor will have to do is TELL YOU or merely suggest a list of things that MAY go wrong as a result of surgery.A doctor will dismiss these issues & claim that they very rarely happen in order to lull you into a false sense of security.If any of these “bad things” should happen,no matter how serious they are,the fact that the doctor just mentioned them during the consultation protects the doctor from any legal action.His clinical notes which will record EVRYTHING discussed during the consultation will show that you were told of possible issues that may arise from surgery & you still went through with it.Clinical notes will make no mention that the Doctor dismissed these issues as being highly unlikely.It will be your word against a doctors & a judge will always take the doctors side.
HTP doctors are very cunning,everything they do has a hidden agenda.

Come on Travis just some pics that go along with your written history which you have already done will really help the forum to see where you are comming from. Don’t worry about being sued. Read the forum rules on compliants.

Are the words “no visible scarring” worthy of recognition in the archives of HTP deception? Do they rank with other classics such as “Shock loss”,“create a frame around the face” & my favorite “create the illusion of a lot more hair” ?

A scar by definition is visible,if it isn’t visible then there is no scar.

No visible scarring

Quickly but slowly

Loudly but quietly

Get my point? You can’t have both,either it does one or it does the other.

I hope the paying patient will not be made a scapegoat for a procedure with questionable results.If things don’t go well,will the patient’s natural healing powers be used to absolve a doctor of any responsibility? It won’t be a doctor’s fault that a patient suddenly won’t heal very well,it will be the patient’s & he won’t have a leg to stand on.This is what makes this industry so appealing to certain doctor’s,they can wash their hands clean of any responsibility as there is an infinite amount of excuses to excuse their actions.
Until there is a procedure that can GAURANTEE that there will be NO scarring then doctors should not advertise their techniques as being “perfected” or “scar free”

How does one discover that removing hairs from certain parts of the face cause scarring? Personal experience maybe? Poor cadaver,I mean patient.He has to live the rest of his life scarred because his kind & caring doctor experimented on him.I know how that feels,my doctor experimented a mega session on me & ruined my life.

» FUE is nowhere near as revolutionary or as perfect as people make it out to
» be.It is an alternative to strip but has many limitations & drawbacks.In
» most cases FUE provides the same lame results as strip & in some hands the
» results are worse.I can never understand why so many doctors vigorously
» argue over who created FUE.Saying you created FUE is like saying you slept
» with the village slut.So what? It’s not like you have done something that
» has made a huge impact on people’s lives. HM will be the ONLY
» revolutionary technique that will change this industry.


Yea, but until there are results its like hoping you hit the lottery so you can retire. In the meantime, you go to work.

Well some posters on this site are salespeople and some are just plain moaners. I too was botched- my photos are on this site and there is no hair multiplication at this time. As I said Dr Woods is the only Dr who has given me a good improvement. If you want to bitch and complain all of your life then go ahead. The doctors do copy his work and rename fue. Strip was around for decades and micros/minis were the common thing in the 90’s. Some of us want to correct our situation as much as possible. Stop dreaming hm will come tommorrow. I am in the right hands and again will continue to improve over the next year. Perhaps you should contact Dr Woods to see what can be done to help yourself. Or keep complaining and bitching- see where it gets you. NOWHERE!!