Dr. Sinclair, Sirtris Pharmaceutical

Forget everything in the forum. Dr. Sinclair (Sirtris Pharma) is doing human trials already to completely reverse ageing.

» Forget everything in the forum. Dr. Sinclair (Sirtris Pharma) is doing
» human trials already to completely reverse ageing.

I’m 26 - NW6…I doubt his treatment would do any good for me. If anything I’d have to live slick bald for few more decades :frowning:

» Forget everything in the forum. Dr. Sinclair (Sirtris Pharma) is doing
» human trials already to completely reverse ageing.

Why, that research could extend our lives for decades!

So there’s still a chance I might live long enough to see a baldness cure.

» Forget everything in the forum. Dr. Sinclair (Sirtris Pharma) is doing
» human trials already to completely reverse ageing.

Is there a link to his website?

» » Forget everything in the forum. Dr. Sinclair (Sirtris Pharma) is doing
» » human trials already to completely reverse ageing.
» Is there a link to his website?

I don’t know the website address. I saw that on 20/20, believe me it looks more promising than anything I have read in this forum. They are ready and they are doing all kinds of human trials already.

I think I saw that program too. But I don’t think it was 20/20. I think it was a Barbara Walters special. Something like “Live to 150 and Beyond”. Something like that. I seem to recall that the Sirtris Pharmaceutical research right now is focused on a resveratrol derived drug (resveratrol is the chemical in wine that has anti-aging effects). I don’t believe they were working on anything that had relevance to hairloss. At least not directly. Just anti-aging and life extension. That’s what I remember anyway. But maybe their drug could be used topically. Who knows?

Somebody actually posted the portion of that show on youtube.

Their website: http://www.sirtrispharma.com/

Some publication available under their Science->Science link, a brief explanation under their Science->Technology link.