Dr. Shapiro Hairline Example... Hairtech

BSPOT placed this picture on HLA. It is a good example of the the Godfather of hairlines… Dr. Shapiro.

A second example…

» A second example…

Shit speaking of the godfather, this guy looks like he’s straight out of Goodfellas.

Nice transformation. Where can I find immediate post op pics of these 2 patients ?

I will ask BSPOT that question for you carrot.:slight_smile:

Here is an example of Dr. Shapiro immediately post op. From my experience, I see a very clean post operative recipient area. No “hamburger helper effect” which means very small sites are used. This in turn decreases the healing times and thus leads to faster return of circulation to seemingly starving grafts. I’ve just noticed over the years that clinics like Shapiro, Rose, Cooley, Harris, Bisanga… just to name a few that I have observed to use finer site production with smaller site tools, have higher growth output per patient than those that use large sitr production tools. In fact, Dr, Harris in particular did I see more growth of his FUE patients graft for graft than other clinics. It was strange. I was not used to seeing a case of only 1000 FUE show more growth than a clinic that performed 3000 grafts by FUE. I think it is partly due to site production.:slight_smile:

An example of Dr. Rose’s hairlines/recipient area. Dr. Rose worked with Dr. Shapiro for a period of time. This is an example of his recipient area… very clean… he also tailors his recipient site blades to the smallest needed for the grafts…

Thanks a lot for posting the post op pics hairtech_.

Its nice to see more and more doctors showing good results.

When you say “finer site production with smaller site tools” - Do they make small slits in the recipient site?

Could you elaborate.

» An example of Dr. Rose’s hairlines/recipient area. Dr. Rose worked with Dr.
» Shapiro for a period of time. This is an example of his recipient area…
» very clean… he also tailors his recipient site blades to the smallest
» needed for the grafts…

Its a nice hairline for sure but i still think armani is the king of hairlines.

Most clinics use a custom blade cutter to cut the blades to the width of the largest average of grafts… like this: