Dr.keser - 1330 grafts fue

Dr. Keser, Derma-Plast clinic, Ankara, Turkey, presents one of his patients, 41 years old, does not take medication to prevent hair loss, he received 1330 FUE grafts. The photos are 7 months.



[SIZE=150]10 DAYS[/size]

[SIZE=150]3 MONTHS[/size]

[SIZE=150]7 MONTHS[/size]

Thanks for all the comments.

If you have any questions, or wish to have a transplant with Dr. Keser, please send me a message, via e-mail, or WhatsApp.

Enrique Gonzalez
Dr. Keser’s consultant
Derma-Plast clinic, Ankara, Turkey
WhatsApp +52 1 777 513 6515