Dr. Jerry Wong hair transplant Vancouver 3150 grafts strip - 1 session

Dr. Jerry Wong hair transplant Vancouver 3150 grafts strip.

Norwood 3/4 patient with fairly extensive thinning in the crown, frontal and temporal areas.

Dr. Jerry Wong treated this patient using 3150 grafts strip. Dr. Wong was able to complete the procedure in 1 session. Below is a before and after video result 11 months post op.

The procedure was carefully designed to minimize the number of grafts required for this patient while providing sufficient density and coverage for his crown, frontal and temporal regions.

The result shows excellent yield for the number of grafts used. The quality of work is world class with the patient’s best interest in mind.

Hasson & Wong offers free consultations for both men and women with hair loss and thinning hair. People from all over the world travel to Hasson & Wong hair transplant clinic to obtain the best treatment possible. For more info, email info@hassonandwong.com or call 1–800–859–2266 or (604) 739-4247 Vancouver, Canada.

Free in-person consultations also available monthly in cities across US, Canada and Europe, complete details at Free Hair Transplant Consultations | HairSite.com

The density attained in a 3150 strip session is quite impressive.

About my hair loss journey:


Dr Wong, great work. Have you worked in any repair cases that had FUE and were repaired via strip by you? How is the yield with strip repair?