Dr. Harris... Homerun 3120 by FUT... Hairtech

Speaking of home runs did anyone catch the braves/astros game last night? 14 innings… 11 to 9 final astros won… damn. :frowning: Tonight is the braves/ rockies which will be interesting…

Anyway, this patient came back for a second pass yesterday by FUT to beef up density.
He came to Dr. Harris in 2004 and received 3120 grafts by fut. Now he wants to hit the areas that are weak.

» Speaking of home runs did anyone catch the braves/astros game last night?
» 14 innings… 11 to 9 final astros won… damn. :frowning: Tonight is the
» braves/ rockies which will be interesting…

And ATL lost miserably to the Rockies…m 9 to 2.:smiley:

scarline pics right before we took the strip.

» scarline pics right before we took the strip.

I think it needs a few more grafts right on top to fill it up.