Dr hans heinicke (spain) 3777 grafts, 10 months


Data of the surgery:
Surgical plan: rebuild first line, front entrances and midscalp.
Hair characteristics: black, smooth and fine.
Punch: 0.75 mm.
Total of follicles: 3.777.
Total hairs: 8,908.
Half follicles / hairs: 2.36.
Follicles of 1 hair 372.
Follicles of 2 hairs: 1,846.
Follicles of 3 hairs: 1,392.
Follicles of 4 hairs: 167.

Dr Hans Heinicke: Madrid-Barcelona-Málaga
e-mail: info@injertoscapilaresfue.com

Is this FUE hair transplant?

Yes. Dr Hans Heinicke was a student of Dr Lorenzo and Dr Cole and is an expert in FUE

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