Dr. Armani 4,000 graft Fue

The patient had 4,000 grafts to lower his hairline. The surgery was performed by Dr. Armani in Toronto. I have included his before and afters below, you can see more photos in his blog http://uk4000fue.blogspot.com


Graft Placement to lower hairline


How many months after the FUE were these pictures taken?

I am a month into my recovery and I am hoping my after pictures turn out as great as this patient. It looks very natural and fits his face profile well. In my opinion, the artistic aspect Armani brings to his patients is a step up from everyone else. The hairlines and temples is what made me decide to chose Armani as my doctor and its a great example here. The way he frames the face is second to none.

That is aggressive, Woods or Cole would probably give him 2000 grafts and send him home with a slighly receding hairline.

» The patient had 4,000 grafts to lower his hairline. The surgery was
» performed by Dr. Armani in Toronto. I have included his before and afters
» below, you can see more photos in his blog http://uk4000fue.blogspot.com
» Before
» Graft Placement to lower hairline

» After
Thumbs up. Huge difference from before. Great density. I probably would like slightly more of a v angle in the front, but thats just me.

Looks extremely natural and totally did away with the widows peak. Were the after pics taken over a year after the procedure? Great results!