Dr. A\'s interview online tonight... hairtech

Ok let me give a short synopsis of what Dr. A said about BHT on our internet radio interview. And as a disclaimer… for those who are sue happy, everything below is not meant to disparage anyone or single any clinic out. Dr. A came onto our show to answer hard questions about BHT… my re-wording of his statements are just that.

First of all if Dr. A had not come onto our show, then I probably would not have been able to understand his prospectives… as well as him probably not understanding why I hairtech have been so entirely critical of BHT in relation to him.

First of Dr. A told us of his academic credentials that being he trained in the army and became a doctor. His hair transplant experience came in the early to mid 90’s as he worked in plastics at some point. He stated that there really was not a formal training in HT for him. His first dealings with HT came sometime in the late 1990’s as a patient that had previous strip procedures and… did not have any donor area left and decided to give it a try. He said it was a success. Now moving forward he took this procedure cautiously and as time went on he had more cases.

A couple of important random statements by Dr. A:

  1. Hairtech: "Dr. A is BHT growth dependent on the density? in other words, do low density passes have better results than high density BHT transplants?"
    Dr. A: “No, you can have a successful transplant with higher densities.”

Wow, that completely goes against at least one clinics theory, and I actually agree with Dr. A about that. Why would standard densities differ in growth rates? I am not talking about dense packing.

  1. Eternal Hope: " Dr. A can BHT grow well in scar tissue?“
    Dr. A, " Yes, it can grow well in scar tissue.”

Wow, that blows the poor growth BHT theory away… specifically Sofars theory about scarredup5.

  1. Hairtech: "Dr. A, If a patient is taking DHT inhibitors such as propecia, will that have an effect on BHT growth?"
    Dr. A, “Not really, but we encourage the patient to get on the DHT inhibitors a few months before a BHT procedure as we can see if there are any deleterious effects on BHT before hand… but most people do not have deleterious effects from DHT inhibitors.”

Wow, that tells you something Sofar… and specifically about Scarredup 5’s case.

  1. Hairtech: "Do you believe in the meggassession of BHT?
    Dr. A, “No you have to mix the BHT and scalp properly in order to achieve a decent result.” (he worded it differently but this is what I gathered from him)

  2. Eternal Hope, "Dr. A there are claims clinics of BHT taking up to 5 years to grow. Is there any truth to this?"
    Dr. A. “BHT should be at its fullest capacity by two years max, but we have seen growth as little as six months.”

I was like what? 5 years… who said that? I guess what ever clinic is claiming 5 years for BHT to grow must be a perfect time after the statutes of limitations have run out for a claim on that clinic… lol.

  1. Eternal Hope: "Dr. A have you ever had a patient come back to you and said they had poor to no growth of their BHT?
    Dr.A… and he said this with confidence, “No”.

I found that to be odd… but as the interview went on it dawned on me that his work with BHT has been sequestered to his own clinic. In other words he developed his techniques by himself as other clinics… But my feeling after the interview is that maybe dr. A is on to something in BHT… technique? i don’t know.

Comparing Dr. Woods and Dr A I also see a commonality in that caution is observed…

Dr. A believes that there have been clinics that over marketed BHT in the past. I believe that too. But Dr. A states that he really believes in BHT and that he has seen more positives results than non-positive results.

I commend Dr. A in that he came onto this show, and took question after question with full confidence in his work and I doubt many clinics would have the cahunas to go up against questions about this topic with confidence.

So what is the bottom line about BHT? More questions were answered… but even more were opened up. For instance, taking Dr. A.'s confidence with BHT positive results into consideration… let’s say he DOES have the best results out there in BHT(leave Woods out of this one for now) WHY ARE THERE ISSUES AT EVERY OTHER CLINIC PERFORMING BHT STILL? WHY IS THERE UNPREDICTABILITY?

I did however apologize for being hard on criticism towards his clinic and he said he wishes more folks would question more clinics so that the truth comes out.

Hairtech, you are so transparent it is pathetic! I’m not even going to the trouble of pointing out the “taken out of context” issues in your statements. You are intentionally trying to inflict damaging blows to other clinics via various means of propoganda. I would caution you that it is not particularly smart to do so in writing (unless you have a really good lawyer and lots of money to defend yourself).

what in the hell are you talking about checking in? Your pathetic. There are no pointing fingers here brother. In fact your case was brought up and it was in good context… I think you have gotten good growth. If you took something wrong in my post show text, I apologize. All I am trying to say is that:

  1. My eyes are opened up better from Dr. A giving his opinion on his BHT procedure.

  2. He answered specific questions that were against what other clinics have stated.

So wtf are you all upset about? And if folks want to be sue happy for a public forum go right ahead.

» what in the hell are you talking about checking in? Your pathetic. There
» are no pointing fingers here brother. In fact your case was brought up
» and it was in good context… I think you have gotten good growth. If you
» took something wrong in my post show text, I apologize. All I am trying to
» say is that:
» 1. My eyes are opened up better from Dr. A giving his opinion on his BHT
» procedure.
» 2. He answered specific questions that were against what other clinics
» have stated.
» So wtf are you all upset about? And if folks want to be sue happy for a
» public forum go right ahead.

Believe you me if someone sues me for opinions I state… which was not disparaging at all, then I will be very public… which will look bad for all involved.