Delta - 5000+ FUHT grafts (3 year follow up)

Dear forum readers,
Long term follow up of patients that have undergone hair transplant, helps in timely intervention in case of progressive hairloss.
It also highlights

  1. The importance of long term planning before getting the first hair transplant,
  2. The different options patients choose for acheiving their hair restoration goals.

Delta visited us first in 2006. He underwent 5000+ FUHT grafts in 2 sessions.
In the first session, the frontal areas were transplanted at 60 grafts per sq cm.
In second session, the thinning vertex and crown were transplanted at 30 to 40 grafts per sq cm.

Delta’s hairloss has continued at a slow to moderate rate over the years. As a result, the crown has thinned out and the temple points have eroded.

In Delta’s third hair transplant, FUSE grafts were transplanted from the scalp, beard, chest and pubic areas.

The chest and scalp grafts were transplanted to create both the temple points and hairline lowering on the right side.

The beard and pubic hair was transplanted in between the previously grafted scalp hair.


Dr. A

NICE! Video is king, I don’t need no pics, this is good honest result.

Excellent work! The patient must be very happy!

I am impressed,what a difference and only 5000 grafts

do you have a picture of 2007 and 2008 to see if there has changed anything?

» do you have a picture of 2007 and 2008 to see if there has changed
» anything?

Yes. I will locate the picture taken in interim. The patient has steadily lost more hair especially in the crown vertex regions in these years. He recently underwent another HT to thicken those areas and to finetune the hairline.