Creation of a 100% gene expressed DP sphereoids

How would one go about accomplishing such a task ?

Using HydroGel & AeroGel perhaps ?

How would one ensure that ALL the genes are expressed ?

A list of the questions that need to be answered to do this would be more efficient

then you create a list of studies that would accomplish answering the above questions

  1. determine quetions that need answering

  2. engineer studies that answer those quetions

  3. perform studies; analyze results

  4. rinse and repeat

Great news! So then you’ve figured out the right way to solve the inductivity loss problem. Now that you’ve figured it out Christiano, Jahoda, and Washnik can all retire their efforts because you’ve saved the day.

[quote][postedby]Originally Posted by needhairasap[/postedby]
A list of the questions that need to be answered to do this would be more efficient

then you create a list of studies that would accomplish answering the above questions

  1. determine quetions that need answering

  2. engineer studies that answer those quetions

  3. perform studies; analyze results

  4. rinse and repeat[/quote]

[quote][postedby]Originally Posted by istalberta[/postedby]
How would one go about accomplishing such a task ?

Using HydroGel & AeroGel perhaps ?

How would one ensure that ALL the genes are expressed ?[/quote]

Its probably some promoter or inhibitor that kick starts a chain of events (gene expression) that’s missing.

Much like in the cartoon Transformers where Optimus Prime shouts “Autobots Trans-FORM”… and they do.

So to sum up, Optimus Prime is missing.