Can anyone tell me what is wrong with Ramatroban?

» No, I’m not a student. I don’t work for a university either. Sorry. I

ok then I was mixing you up with someone else on this board.

» »
» » also why the hell would i be trying to troll you guys when im in exactly
» » the same boat as you… i have nothing to gain from “trolling” nor would
» i
» » waste my time trying to “troll” random people on the net…
» You’re getting flak because there isn’t much benefit-of-the-doubt left for
» noobs around here.
» There are a few longtime members who are chronic trolls. They have a habit
» of re-registering under new screen names every time the moderators kick
» them off again.
» JarJarbinx also does not have much patience for people who aren’t already
» up to speed with his train of thought. He’s a bit rough sometimes.

Cal, did you notice that “the thing” appeared at the same moment that a different troll left. There was some troll here asking stupid questions just to get responses from us. He was calling us all “sockpuppets” and “cowlicks” as he asked one stupid question after another, nonstop. We ran that guy off and then this new guy “the thing” shows up at the same time we run the other guy off.

» yes dr Cots actually made a corrective announcement after he felt that the
» media had misinterpreted his words. After an interview with cots, the media
» wrote a statement claiming that Dr. Cots was in talks to market a drug
» within the next 2 years. I believe Cots then wrote corrected this
» statement, saying that the media misinterpreted things and that clinical
» trails could start within two years and a marketed drug would not be out
» for the next 5 years.

ah right ok, cheers thanks. at least thats some positive news as hes being pro active with his findings and following up with a trial. good news then

» cal, did you notice that “the thing” appeared right when a different troll
» left. There was some troll asking stupid questions just to get responses
» from us and he was calling us all “sockpuppets” and “cowlicks” as he asked
» one stupid question after another nonstop. We ran that guy off and then
» this new guy “the thing” shows up at the same time we run the other guy
» off.
» think about it.

mate come on. enough of the troll stuff. im in no way trying to troll you or trying to cause a issue. i apologise for not being the most knowledgeable on the subject but enough now.