Benji...Question for you!

I have read this on several hairloss forums and also experienced this “new bone on head” myself. Almost always its put down by other members as imagination. But I think it is real…I think in people like me with severe hair loss the scalp tightens & thins rapidly which makes the bump on the skull feel quite noticable and also makes it look prominent.

Another thing I’ve noticed is that there is a difference between my bald scalp(on top/vertex) and the hairy scalp(on sides/back). Just after I shave my head I can see the hairy scalp is somewhat thicker and where it starts the skin is slightly elevated from the bald scalp. Its also noticable with a finger - if I move it across the areas.

I was thinking what if in people like me the hairloss speeds up considerably because of this tightened/thinned scalp issue, what can we do about it? Even more important, would TRC be as effective on our scalps? because from what I see its the scalp thats already messed up. And is there a way to reverse it with current/future treatments?

And since you know quite a lot about this stuff…what causes the skin to thin in the first place?

Btw, I’m 25-NW6 with a full-on Shiny :frowning: bald scalp


We supposedly lose a water layer up there and a layer of fatty acids or something. The resultant loss is thinner skin except for one layer of skin that actually gets a little thicker (but not enough to overcome the loss of the other things). Its all part of the AGA process and you can see it easily on bald men who shave up there.

However, transplants will grow in the thinned skin as Ive seen docs put grafts right up front where men have been frontally bald for a long time, so we hope that ICX’s procedure’s hair “germs” will take and grow there too.

The one thing I could think of that might be usefull in making that area as palatable as possible to new hair growth when the time comes would be emu oil with peptides (tricomin or prox-n preferably). Emu oil is the closest thing to human skin we have and peptides give off signals telling the skin to rejuvinate itself. So as a scalp conditioning duo they might be helpful. The scalp excercises that are promoted by Tom Hagerty at should also loosen the skin up there and make it a bit more elastic. Basically you contract your forehead and hear muscles, relax and then contract the muscles at the back of the head-----or move your ears forward, relax, then pull them back without any help of your hands. I think Tom does it for five or ten minutes in the morn and at night. It will pull on the scalp from both ways and keep it kinda stretched. His site is alot better place to read about that though.

HTs can go into thinned skin without a problem so I don’t see why TRC wouldn’t be able to do it.

I’ve heard it said that HTs into long-bald areas have better survival rates when you don’t pack the living hell out of the area on the first pass. Better to let the bald skin gradually revert itself to nourish the implanted chunks and then do a second round of HTs on the area the next year.

I wouldn’t be surprised of the TRC method saw decreased effectiveness (per session) in the shiny-bald areas as opposed to the thinning ones. But it’ll probably won’t have a problem with the number of hairs it can ultimately support with several sessions. If the skin can support implanted grafts then surely it can handle the native grafts waking up.

benji, what do you think about the patent listed in another topic that suggests removing 1mm skin is helpful in hair regrowth…I am thinking about getting a scalp chemical peel to rejuvenate my skin somewhat. Any thoughts?

» benji, what do you think about the patent listed in another topic that
» suggests removing 1mm skin is helpful in hair regrowth…I am thinking
» about getting a scalp chemical peel to rejuvenate my skin somewhat. Any
» thoughts?


» » benji, what do you think about the patent listed in another topic that
» » suggests removing 1mm skin is helpful in hair regrowth…I am thinking
» » about getting a scalp chemical peel to rejuvenate my skin somewhat. Any
» » thoughts?
» benji?

I thought people just used dermabrasion to remove the top layer of skin when they were up to things like this?

“Micro Derm Abrasion : Skin exfoliation at it’s best Micro derm abrasion is an exfoliation procedure that uses tiny crystals to remove dead skin cells and residue from the skins surface so that healthy skin can begin to grow in it’s place. Often times skin cells will hang around longer than needed due to excess oil. This effect can give skin a dull, dry look. Skin exfoliation remains one of the best ways to encourage healthy looking skin. Micro dermabrasion until recently has only been thought of as something that can be done by a medical professional, but there are many professional strength home dermabrasion kits now available.”

"What Is Microdermabrasion?
I’d never heard of microdermabrasion until the spring of 2004, when I was browsing the net for a better cleansing gel. I came across a survey commissioned by The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery which said that the most popular non-surgical cosmetic procedures in 2003 were Botox injections (I’d heard of that), laser hair removal (and that) and MICRODERMABRASION (but what the heck is that?). Three months later, I was in my favorite day spa and had it done. And I’ve been having it for the last three years. Here’s what I know.

How Microdermabrasion Works
In a nutshell, microdermabrasion is a skin resurfacing treatment that uses tools or products designed for home use, in order to rejuvenate and restore natural glow to the skin. The micro dermabrasion procedure is simple and painless AND (this is the best part) is equally effective to surgical procedures (laser skin resurfacing, dermal abrasion) and chemical peels (for superficial skin imperfections only).

These days, micro abrasion can be performed at home, but it was originally performed by plastic surgeons who used hand-held machines (similar to sandblasters) to spray and circulate high-pressure crystal flow onto the skin.

Microdermabrasion machines are made of a compressor and pump that mix gentle abrasion with suction to peel the outer skin layer (10-15 microns of skin, a layer so thin that you can’t see it). The entire procedure, unlike dermabrasion or laser skin surgery, doesn’t take more than 30-60 minutes. You can have it on the face, neck, chest, back, feet and hands.

My first micro derm abrasion treatment was done professionally but many women I know started with a home microdermabrasion kit. These are definitely cheaper than seeing a plastic surgeon or going to a day or med spa, but it’s tricky choosing a product that suits your skin. There are just so many home microdermabrasion kits available these days; some are decent but others are just a waste of time and money. I personally have found only a handful of products that worked for me (Neutrogena, Youthful Essence and Dermanew are the best of the bunch).

One of the things I love most about micro derm abrasion, be it the at-home or office version, is that it doesn’t hurt at all (I have a low pain threshold so that was an important factor for me). Most people I talked to about microderm abrasion said that, at most, they felt a tingling sensation during treatment and a windburn-like sensation afterwards. The skin does look slightly red in the first 24 hours, but that’s where the discomfort ends.

But the best part of microdermabrasion is that while it’s equally effective to other, more invasive skin procedures, it allows you to get back to your daily routine immediately afterwards. One hour after treatment and I was back home, doing errands and picking my kids from school. There is a trade-off, though – you may need between 5 and 12 microdermabrasions, scheduled 1-2 weeks apart for best results.

Why Choose Microabrasion?
Why did I choose microderm abrasion? Well, it has no downtime (it’s called the “lunchtime procedure”), is similar to a facial massage (so not too aggressive) and the advertised results were good. So, 7 months and $1,200 later, here are the results:

Results After The First Treatment (first year)
After the first professional microdermabrasion treatment (12 abrasions scheduled 2 weeks apart) I noticed an overall improvement in skin complexion while the red spots and scars from my acne were definitely diminished. I followed with a maintenance abrasion 2 months afterwards.

Results After 3 Years
Over the following 2 years I had 2 micro dermabrasion treatments (10 sessions each) with maintenance, followed by 2 long breaks (5 months each) during which I used home microderm abrasion kits weekly for maintenance. In 2007, my microdermabrasion results include:

No more age spots on the face, neck, decolette and arms
Less visible lines around the mouth
Red spots and acne scars on my cheeks, chin and forehead gone (I still have 2-3 deeper scars on my cheeks which are still visible but fading nicely)
No more blemishes
Stretch marks from my pregnancies diminished
I look 5 years younger (or so I’m told)
Basically, microdermabrasion results can do any or all of the following: revitalizes dull skin, reduces enlarged pores, erases fine lines, wrinkles and acne scars, treats hyperpigmentation (mild pigment irregularities), stretch marks and age spots."

Thats from a couple of web sites on the subject…I dont see how chemical peels to remove a layer of skin and dermabrating them away would really be different myself