Bad hair transplant results and lack of proper regulations

Dear readers,
Good hair transplants are becoming popular. People who have got good hair transplants are coming in open about their results. That is good.
Unfortunately, unscrupulous doctors are jumping on the bandwagon claiming to perform hair transplants when they have no skill nor proper training.

As hair transplants become more popular, we are getting an ever increasing number of disfigured patients from such doctors.
The modus operandi seems to be to join one or the other hair restoration organization to gain credibility and then to start HTs.

It is vital that such physicians be identified and exposed. However, as a doctor myself, I am unable to “name and shame”.
It is the patients alone who can do this. This way, they may prevent other patients from being disfigured.

I will show a few cases performed by such doctors in the last 1 year to illustrate my point.
What they are doing to people is frightening!

Done by a Dean of a medical college (and a plastic surgeon).
2 strips, 2 scars and transplanted hair in 2008.

OMIGOD - Poor guy!

» Done by a Dean of a medical college (and a plastic surgeon).
» 2 strips, 2 scars and transplanted hair in 2008.


Shocking, this was done in 2008, can’t believe there are doctors still doing such horrible work in this day and age.

Thats pretty sad. This poor guy has to look at that mess on his head every freaking day.

» Thats pretty sad. This poor guy has to look at that mess on his head every
» freaking day.

It’s a shame, what good does it do for us if you can’t name the doctor who did this? After all I want is to find myself a reliable doctor, so it’s kind of defeating the whole purpose of showing these bad cases when you won’t go 1 step further and name the doctor.

This is why I have posted my story all over the net, if only one person learns from my mistakes it will be worth it. :wink:

Dear readers,
This patient was operated by a plastic surgeon in 2008. Wrongly placed hairline, graft wastage (going by the dimensions of the strip scar), sparse and unaesthetic result are just some of the issues that led this patient to approach us for a repair HT 1 year later.

This patient was operated in 2008 by a dermatologist.
From a 5 cm long strip, they claimed to have taken 2000 grafts and placed them. Patient approached us in 2009 for a repair hair transplant. e is currently happy with the progress (but that is a matter for another thread).


» Shocking, this was done in 2008, can’t believe there are doctors still
» doing such horrible work in this day and age.

Because somebody always has to do something for the first time, sometimes with little or no training. So this will likely repeat next year, and the next, and so on, indefinitely. It’s a shame, really, but no regulation in the industry means “results will vary”

» This patient was operated in 2008 by a dermatologist.
» From a 5 cm long strip, they claimed to have taken 2000 grafts and placed
» them. Patient approached us in 2009 for a repair hair transplant. e is
» currently happy with the progress (but that is a matter for another
» thread).


Is this the repair line? Were those grafts to the rightside (front) of the line extracted?