Armani needles sizes for strip HTs

Does anyone know what needle size Dr. Armani uses to ‘punch’ the graft ‘placement holes’ in the recipient area? How does this needles size compare with that of other docs?

» Does anyone know what needle size Dr. Armani uses to ‘punch’ the graft
» ‘placement holes’ in the recipient area? How does this needles size
» compare with that of other docs?

Just ask him via an email. If he uses strictly needles for the entire site production, then he probably uses 18gauge to 20gauge for large grafts and smaller grafts respectivly. Many physicians use custom cut blades now days. Some use both custom blades and needles. Some use a device called a sharp point. It all depends on the physicians desire.

I don’t know if he uses needles or special blades for the recipient. 18 gauge is HUGE. If he does use needles, I don’t think he would use 18 gauge on his patients. I think the largest that he uses is probably 21 gauge, if he does use needles. BTW, I don’t think there is 20 gauge. The one after 18 is 21.

» I don’t know if he uses needles or special blades for the recipient. 18
» gauge is HUGE. If he does use needles, I don’t think he would use 18 gauge
» on his patients. I think the largest that he uses is probably 21 gauge, if
» he does use needles. BTW, I don’t think there is 20 gauge. The one after
» 18 is 21.

David the 20gauge exists:-| . When I get home, I will post a picture just for you the 20 gauge standard needle used for 1’s and 2’s. The 18gauge is not all that big and I have seen it used for 3’s and 4’s. The standard hospital needle dimensions(large to small) are as follows: 16, 18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25 and 30gauge needle. The 30 gauge is as big as 1 red cell thick on the inside. The 16gauge needle is extremely large.:no:

» I don’t know if he uses needles or special blades for the recipient. 18
» gauge is HUGE. If he does use needles, I don’t think he would use 18 gauge
» on his patients. I think the largest that he uses is probably 21 gauge, if
» he does use needles. BTW, I don’t think there is 20 gauge. The one after
» 18 is 21.

I asked him and all that he said was that everything he uses is custom made and that he uses diferent approaches. I didn’t feel that this quenched my curiosity :slight_smile: but you may have better luck!

» David the 20gauge exists:-| . When I get home, I will post a picture just
» for you the 20 gauge standard needle used for 1’s and 2’s. The 18gauge is
» not all that big and I have seen it used for 3’s and 4’s. The standard
» hospital needle dimensions(large to small) are as follows: 16,
» 18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25 and 30gauge needle. The 30 gauge is as big as 1
» red cell thick on the inside. The 16gauge needle is extremely large.:no:

Here’s what I have for the different sizes. Dr. Woods does not use anything larger than 21 gauge.

We were not being specific to Dr. Woods. The original question was towards Dr. Armani… And Marco answered it. In your line up of needles you are missing the 20, 22, and 30 gauge. The 20gauge usually has a yellow hub at the other end.

And several physicians with good results use larger than the 21 gauge. What is your point?:no: :no:

» We were not being specific to Dr. Woods. The original question was towards
» Dr. Armani… And Marco answered it. In your line up of needles you are
» missing the 20, 22, and 30 gauge. The 20gauge usually has a yellow hub at
» the other end.
» And several physicians with good results use larger than the 21 gauge.
» What is your point?:no: :no:

My point is that 18 is too big for most cases. There is no right or wrong answer. A lot depends on the patient’s hair characteristics and the kind of work that needs to be done. Just like punch size, there is no one right tool for every patient.

I agree.