All forum users and visitors: READ and take this SERIOUSLY

HairSite is not responsible for user generated contents.

As a reminder, your login credentials will be handed over to the authority if anyone decides to take actions against certain comments you post in the forum. You are ultimately liable for the comments you make in the fourm.

Please exercise some self discipline and refrain from making any defamatory remarks, personal attacks or any inappropriate comments in the forum. Your account will be suspended or permanently banned. In addition, there can be serious legal consequences against you as a result of the comments you make in the forum.

You have also agreed to our TERMS OF USE when you registered a user account in the forum.

Doctors, clinics or anyone who wish to have inappropriate, untrue or defamatory user generated comments removed from our website or forums, please bring this to our attention by emailing with a link to the post so that we can act on this promptly.

This is not a joke.