R48 - 3960 strip FUHT grafts. (9 months update) Dr. A\'s Clinic

R48 - (nickname), underwent 3960 strip FUHT grafts. 9 months update

Note:- In 1st session hair were transplanted at a low density because the burnt scalp tissue was thin and had poor vasculature. Density will be increased in second session.

This video represents one of the great rewards of being a hair restoration surgeon. You have transformed this patient’s life. Great work.

-CITNews works at Dr. Cole’s office

R48 - (nickname), underwent 3960 strip FUHT grafts. 9 months update

Note:- In 1st session hair were transplanted at a low density because the burnt scalp tissue was thin and had poor vasculature. Density will be increased in second session.

Before pictures

After pictures

graft placement pictures

Thank you…