Forhair - Hair Transplant Review - Repair & SMP (Video)

Our patient first visited Dr. Cole’s hair restoration practice in July of 2007. Our patient’s goal was to repair poor hair transplant work performed by other doctors who gave him multiple strip scars and a pluggy hairline. In our video, our patient describes his experience and offers his advice to anyone seeking hair restoration and repair.

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Repairs are far more complicated than virgin cases. The repair work becomes far more complex when you have had a strip. Avoid the strip at all cost. There is a reason why hair transplant mentors now advocate FUE. It’s because strips kill hair and create unnecessary complications. Say no to the strip and say no to anyone who claims to be a patient advocate and a person, who claims to promote only the best physicians. All of these guys still promote strips as the gold standard and focus entirely on putting money in their pockets at your expense.

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